Wednesday, January 8, 2014



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      This would be the third term of my second year in college and the first week of our classes started already. I decided to take CSRGOVE in advance because I wanted to know more about the course. At first, I was nervous to take CSRGOVE because I do not really know much about the subject. What I know about Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance is that companies have the duty to make responsible decisions that would benefit the people and the company. They need to do what is right, give back or give an opportunity to others especially the employees or people involved or affected by their business. 

       During the introduction of CSRGOVE, I learned that the class or the groups would be assigned different tasks for the course. There would be tests, presentations, and activities. One of the activities that I am looking forward to is what they call service learning, which would be the project for our community. When I learned that there would be a community service, I became excited because it would be a good opportunity for me to give back to others. I am looking forward to visiting the communities and helping people because I think that it would be a great experience to help them in our own little way. It is a good feeling when you give importance to others and make them happy. Through this activity,  I would be able to apply the things I learned in MANAORG and the things that I would learn in CSRGOVE. I would be able to enhance my knowledge, skills, creative and gain more experience.

       I find the course CSRGOVE interesting because it would be different from the other management subjects I took. I think that it would focus more on responsibilities of the companies to the different aspects such as society, environment, etc. I think that CSRGOVE would be challenging but fun because of the tasks that are being assigned. I would try my best to accomplish and complete the tasks/requirements.

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