Friday, February 7, 2014



(image from:
       For this week, the decision-making model for business ethics was introduced to the class. The class was assigned to read the Parable of the Sadhu and apply the decision-making model. I think that the model is a helpful tool in knowing the pros and cons of a plan or decision. It also serves as a guide in trying to come up with the decision given certain situations. 

      During our brief discussion about the case, it made me think about what I would do if I were in the shoes of the hikers. The goal of the hikers was to climb Mount Everest however they encountered the Sadhu and this is where the conflict comes in. The group of hikers need to reach their goal but they need to decide on what to do with the Sadhu. There are a lot of stakeholders in the given story which are the hikers, guides/porters and the Sadhu. There are different options that can be done, first is to save him and bring him to the village. Second would be to ignore or leave the Sadhu. Third would be to give the Sadhu limited help. My group followed the different steps from the decision-making model for business ethics. We thought of different options. We think that the best based on the decision is option 2. However when we used the table, the most effective decision would be to ignore the Sadhu however, we also need to consider the other theories and models we discussed before.  First would be ethics of care and virtue, this is where we could base the decision in saving the Sadhu. Second would be utilitarian, for the decision of giving limited help. 

        Corporate Social Responsibility is CSR, which is important for businesses. Friedman's definition of Social Responsibly is “social responsibility of business is to increase its profits . . . the corporation is an instrument of the stockholders who own it. If the corporation makes a contribution, it prevents the individual stockholder himself deciding how he should dispose of his funds.”  I think that the definition of Friedman was very effective and straight to the point. Businesses are made because the owners would want to earn profit and they need to convince the stockholders that the company is doing well not only in terms of finances or money but also by image and ethics.

       There are some economic models of business and the class discussed some examples. One of which was the Infant Milk that has melamine that is under the Economic Model of CSR. Another definition is "CSR is not about how you spend, but how you earn." This statement is the most basic definition of CSR because it tells us an important message that we should not think about ourselves but we also need to put others into consideration. Especially in business, many people want to earn but do not think about how they earn. Most of the business people think about putting up charities, scholarships, etc. to have good publicity. They want to show that they are giving back to others but this is not what CSR is all about. They can't just show the good side of their business or company because they have these charities and foundations because the most important thing is about how they were able to earn or gain the money that they have. It would be better if the businesses or companies would earn money in a good way and also spent it for good use. 

       The class was also able to discuss arguments for socially responsible behavior. One of the examples we had was the PASA LOAD of SMART.  This gave an opportunity for the lower class to be able to buy load and have cellphones. Also there was a project that they came up with which was the textbooks in the old/used sims. These are given out to the public school students to lessen their problem about brining heavy books to school. I think that this was a really great idea and move by SMART because they were able help the consumers and capture their trust and loyalty to the brand. In the future, I would also want to help others and give a big impact to the company that I will be working with. As an advertising student, I would try my best to think of innovative ideas so that I'll be able to help the consumers and make a good impression for the company. 

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